Once we accept the fact that we live in a plasma universe, we soon come to…
Solar Cycles
Planets move around the Sun like clockwork. The exact position of planets can be worked out for thousand of years. When it comes to predictability, there’s nothing quite like the planets and their relative position. It is therefore natural to assume that anything that happens with clockwork precision in our solar system has some relation to this.
Solar cycles which repeat every 11 years, and magnetic reversals on the Sun which follow a 22 year cycle, are both examples of predictable events that would naturally be ascribed to planetary positions. However, this idea has been largely rejected due to the fact that planets are very small relative to the Sun. The dominant idea has therefore been that the Sun is its own clock. Solar cycles are not due to the position of planets, but something coming from the Sun itself.
Yet, it cannot be completely ignored that there are plenty of 11 year cycles to be found in the way our planets move around the Sun. For instance, Earth, Venus, and Jupiter align every 11.07 years, coinciding with solar minimums.
There is therefore a growing consensus that the Sun’s energy output is somehow modulated by its planets. Tidal forces are suggested as a mechanism for this. But this brings back the problem of relative size. The tidal forces due to planets are minuscule. It seems inconceivable that something so insignificant can have an impact on the Sun.
However, once we consider the possibility that our Sun is an electric component in the universe, we can model the entire solar system as a grand electric circuits, with electric resistance and capacitance varying in harmony with relative distances between planets. Certain configurations will draw current away from the Sun, while other configurations will focus more current onto the Sun.
The fact that solar cycles act in harmony with planetary positions can therefore be seen as supporting evidence for the idea that our Sun is an electric component in an electric universe.
The current prediction for Sunspot Cycle 24
By David Hathaway, NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center – http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/predict.shtml, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=28557779
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