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The Aether and the Constant H

Planck’s constant h relates the energy carried by a photon to its frequency. This gave rise to our current understanding of light and the whole field of quantum physics. It is well worth reading how Planck arrived at his conclusions, as it shows how careful analysis of real world phenomena can lead to some remarkable discoveries. To solve a problem related to black body radiation, Planck introduced the concept of energy quanta, which in turn led to the realization that light is not a pure wave phenomenon, but something involving tiny packages of energy, i.e. particles.

Since energy and mass are equivalent, Planck’s constant also relates mass to frequency. This is verified with the double slit experiment which works for inertial matter such as electrons and protons, and even atoms, as well as photons. All particles of all sizes have a wavelength associated with them that corresponds to the energy that they are carrying. Large particles are associated with high frequencies. Small particles are associated with low frequencies.

Some may argue that Planck’s constant proves the wave-particle duality of light and matter. However, pilot waves, in combination with an aether, will yield similar results for photons. It will also yield similar results for inertial matter due to the aether’s role in the production of electron-positron pairs.

Electron-positron pair production from photon
Electron-positron pair production from photon

Keeping in mind that inertial matter has its origin in the aether from which we first get radiation and then matter as we move up the energy hierarchy, we see that the aether is not simply a passive catalyst in electron-positron pair production, but something that actively shapes electron and positrons. These particles are in turn involved in the assembly of atoms, the building blocks of all inertial matter experienced by us as physical things.

What has to be recognized is that the produced electrons and positrons have to have associated pilot waves with exactly half the frequency of the original photon. A photon with frequency f can only produce one electron with frequency f/2 and a positron with frequency f/2. This follows from the fact that electrons have identical mass, and the fact that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The energy of the electron and positron must exactly equal that of the photon from which they were created.

Since electrons and positrons can have fixed positions in space, they must constantly vibrate in order to preserve the pilot wave inherited from the photon from which they were made. There is no other way stationary particles can uphold a pilot wave. All inertial matter must vibrate. This in turn, goes a long way in explaining why an electron cannot remain attached to a proton for more than 15 minutes. Electrons are shaken off from the vibrating surface of the proton, making them bounce as they can neither escape the electrical field of the proton nor remain attached to its surface.

Atomic nucleus with net charge of 10, surrounded by 10 bouncing electrons = Neon
Atomic nucleus with net charge of 10, surrounded by 10 bouncing electrons = Neon

This demonstrates that it is not only the constant c for light that is tied directly to the aether. Planck’s constant h is also a property of the aether. Since c and h are the two most fundamental constants in physics, it is safe to say that rejecting the aether was probably the greatest mistake of 20th century physics.

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