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Planet B

Phosphine gas has been detected in the clouds of Venus. While this is not in itself proof that there must be life on Venus, the only known sources of this gas on Earth are non-oxygen breathing microbes. It’s therefore likely that Venus has this kind of microbes present in her atmosphere.

This discovery folds nicely in with predictions made by myself and other proponents of the Electric Universe. In this alternative world view, things happen faster than what is generally believed. There is also an abundance of life throughout the universe, primarily in the form of microbes and similarly primitive organisms. Venus is believed to be a young planet, possibly no more than 10,000 years old. Ejected, as a hot ball of minerals and gases from Jupiter, she’s still cooling down from her birth. But she’s evidently already cool enough to host certain microbes. Alternatively, the presence of phosphine might be due to her likely origin as a storm in the atmosphere of Jupiter, which also contains phosphine. Either way, the presence of this gas in Venus’ clouds constitutes compelling evidence in support of the Electric Universe paradigm.

Venus ejected from Jupiter
Venus ejected from Jupiter

Instead of things taking millions of years to unfold, as is the general assumption among astronomers, the Electric Universe sees many processes happen at much shorter time scales. The time scales involved in the creation and subsequent cooling down and stabilization of new planets is one such deviation of theory. Being of roughly equal size to Earth, and with plenty of minerals and gases to convert into organic matter, Venus has the potential to turn into an inhabitable planet within a hundred thousand years or so.

This makes Venus rather than Mars the most likely planet to serve as an alternative to Earth in the not too distant future. While Venus is not currently our planet B, she may well be so a hundred thousand years from now.

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