There’s no way to shield ourselves from the effect of gravity. There’s no material that we can stand on to prevent our planet from pulling on us.
This is because gravity is a universally attracting force. It affects every atom, regardless of physical or chemical characteristics.
The attracting force between two bodies may be consumed in the sense that their attraction only affects the two bodies in question. However, the effect is not lost. It daisy-chains out to other bodies.
If I stand on a slab of rock, the rock “consumes” just as much gravity as it “produces”. This is because the number of “gravity-consuming” neutrino collisions between the rock and Earth is equal to the “gravity-producing” collisions between the rock and space.
Low pressure areas between bodies daisy-chain in such a way that the net effect can be calculated by treating each interaction individually before adding them up to get the overall effect.
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