Intrinsic redshift is an idea proposed by the astronomer Halton Arp in order to explain the redshift associated with quasars.
Quasars are young galaxies that appear to be physically linked to older galaxies. In some cases, a visible connection can be seen, like an umbilical cord, connecting the quasar to its parent galaxy.
However, the tremendous redshift associated with quasars pose a problem for those trying to interpret the visual data.
Using redshift as a measure of distance, we end up with quasars being extremely distant.
This conflicts with their visible connection to galaxies that are estimated to be much closer to us.
Another problem with quasars is that they are relatively bright. If they are as distant as they appear to be based on redshift estimates, they must be mindbogglingly energetic.
To get around this problem, Halton Arp proposed that quasars are made up of matter that is less massive than matter found in our solar system.
Hydrogen in quasars are lighter than hydrogen on Earth. The light spectrum of hydrogen in quasars is therefore redshifted relative to the light spectrum of hydrogen found on our planet.
The redshifts seen in quasars are not indicative of distance, but of age.
Matter starts out with little mass. As time progresses, mass condenses onto matter, making it gradually more heavy. Light from young matter is red compared to its older, heavier counterpart.
To see that this is a valid proposition, we can compare the light spectrum of hydrogen to that of its heavier isotope, deuterium.
Halton Arps conclusions were based on observations through many years at the Palomar observatory. He was a most respected astronomer and his conclusions on the Intrinsic redshift were contradictory to the expansion idea of the redshift. His observations and concluding hypothesis were never tested, nor taken seriously by academia. And he was refused further observation time “unless he changed his line of research “! Which says the most regarding openness towards contradictory research in America! Science has turned into religion!
Science/religion/politics has become a dangerous mix against TRUTH in society! The Big Bang never happened! If JWST has not been tampered with (to prove the BB), we will hopefully see a total rebirth of astronomical science when further observations takes us further back in time!
I spent nearly a decade in JWST supporting thermal vacuum testing. To mention that JWST may have been “tampered with” to prove ΛCDM is utterly absurd. The fact is, Arp’s hypotheses did not hold up to subsequent observations made by HST and VLT. And, observations by JWST have, thus far, served to strengthen inflation and the BB. Legitimately I might add here…
I’m afraid your last two assertions are incorrect. Halton Arp’s hypothesis has not been given ANY attention by mainstream Astronomers and Physicists (because it threatens the entire Standard Model theory), therefore observations from HST, VLT and JWST have not been analyzed to verify or falsify Arp’s hypothesis. Something that has never been countered by mainstream Astronomers and Physicists is Arp’s and the Burbidge’s evidence of quasars being linked to galaxies that are only millions of light years away. It seems they would rather ignore the topic completely, which in my mind is unacceptable if we are to really discover the truth.
With present day telescopes, we now know that these galactic links are absolutely everywhere and are electromagnetic links, therefore their evidence is not an anomaly and must be answered.
Additionally, JWST’s observations have completely contradicted the BB and inflation theories. Deep field observations have even discovered blue-shifted galaxies at extreme distances, but this has never been commented on or been publicly acknowledged (as again it threatens the BB theory). This is also unacceptable. The truth is what matters, not protection of any theories.