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A permanent magnet is a piece of metal, usually iron, which has a permanent magnetic field associated with it.

The way such materials can be explained in terms of zero-point photons, is that the atoms making up a permanent magnet are arranged in such a way that their electrons hook onto one side of nearby zero-point photons more readily than the other side.

The more coordinated and vigorous the atoms are in their lopsided effect on zero-point photons, the stronger the magnet.

Bouncing about inside a magnet, zero-point photons become polarized. The result is polarized zero-point photons exiting the magnet from both poles in equal measures.

Magnet inducing spin into photons streaming out of the south and north poles
Magnet inducing spin into photons streaming out of the south and north poles

When exiting polarized photons meet incoming photons, they brush into each other. Spin and orientation is shared. This polarizes the incoming photons as they head towards the magnet. Even without direct contact with the magnet, they receive a certain degree of polarization.

Photons entering and leaving both ends of a magnet
Photons entering and leaving both ends of a magnet

Note that spin is transferred between orbs of opposite charge. Orbs with identical charge don’t react with each other since they cannot latch onto each other. This allows for spin and orientation to be maintained and shared.

The sharing of spin from outgoing to incoming photons produces a pattern in which highly polarized outgoing photons are surrounded by progressively less polarized photons. Between each highly polarized outgoing photon, there’s a valley, so to speak, of less polarized photons.

To see a manifestation of this pattern, all we need to do is to put a ferro-fluid on top of a magnet.

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