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Quantum Entanglement and Wormholes

The phenomenon of quantum entanglement is one of the weirdest predictions of classic quantum mechanics, and the fact that it holds true in practice is testimony to the enormous predictive power of this theory. Yet, there is something very unsatisfying with the explanation presented. It is entirely mathematical, with no physical model to explain what’s going on. There is no explanation as to how two particles can remain entangled while physically separated in space.

Quantum entanglement happens whenever two particles come into such a close contact that they affect the state of each other. An example of this is when two photons brush past each other so closely that their spin get coordinated. When they subsequently go their separate ways, they retain a mysterious link to each other. It is possible to affect both photons by manipulating only one of them, even when they are separated by a great distance. If the spin of an entangled photon is altered, the other photon gets its spin correspondingly altered.

This phenomenon, proven true in laboratory experiments, has no explanation in classical mechanics, and only a mathematical explanation in classic quantum mechanics. However, it can be explained by the strict particle model proposed in my book, because this model incorporates the concept of a void.

A void, when combined with spherical particles with texture, allows for physical contact over great distances. This is because only particles possess distance. The void has no distance. If a void opens up between two particles at great distance from each other, it will act like a wormhole. There is no distance in the wormhole itself, no matter how many particles lines its walls. Textures that have previously been entangled with direct physical contact can therefore remain entangled through the multitude of wormholes that must exist as part of an aether filled void.

The electron as a three dimensional ruler
Aether particle in a void

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