We have already established that gravity is due to a small imbalance in the electrical force, and that this force is communicated by neutrinos.
A consequence of this is that neutrinos aren’t affected by gravity. They carry gravity. They aren’t themselves affected by it.
Furthermore, gravity is a force that only affects dielectric matter. Neutrinos aren’t dielectric. When they carry charge, it’s only one charge at the time. They never carry two charges at the same time.
Photons, on the other hand are dielectric. Just like electrons and protons, photons consist of a combination of charged quanta. Photons are therefore affected by gravity.
Every body of dielectric matter has charged neutrinos surrounding it. These neutrinos form low pressure areas in the aether on collision with each other. This is also the case for photons.
Since neutrinos travel slightly faster than photons due to their smaller size, a cloud of charged neutrinos extends in all directions from the photon, including the front of it. This cloud is the pilot wave mentioned earlier.
When a photon, surrounded by its pilot wave comes into contact with a charged cloud emanating from a massive body, the photon is affected by the resulting low pressure area in the aether just like any other bit of dielectric matter.
However, photons cannot slow down or speed up. They have to travel at the speed of light. A photon moving away from a massive body must therefore shed energy in some other way than slowing down. It has to go down in energy by becoming smaller.
Conversely, a photon approaching a massive body must absorb energy by becoming larger.
This is what we observe as gravitational red-shift. Light escaping massive bodies becomes redder. Light approaching massive bodies becomes bluer.
Light moving past a massive body bends off in the direction of the massive body, not due to a curvature of space, but due to normal gravitational behaviour of dielectric matter.
A consequence of this is that the aether close to massive bodies are richer in zero-point photons than the aether farther away.
Gravity pulls all photons, including zero-point photons towards massive bodies. Neutrinos and zero-point photons are therefore not evenly distributed throughout space. Space far away from massive bodies have more neutrinos and fewer photons than space close to massive bodies.
Is it possible that neutrinos carry gravity, and then impart that gravity to whatever they pass through like an electric charge magnetizing metal?
The theory presented in this book explains magnetism, the electric force and gravity as phenomena of an aether. High and low pressure areas in the aether produce these forces, which come about as the result of collisions between aether particles. The aether I propose is a mix of low energy neutrinos and photons
The electric force and gravity come about when neutrinos that have previously been in contact with matter collide in the space between two objects. The magnetic force is a result of collision between polarized photons.
Gravity, electric force and magnetism are not things that are carried from one object to another. Rather, they are manifestations of collisions between aether particles in the space between objects. Aether particles carry “information” away from objects, and this “information” is communicated in collisions with other aether particles carrying “information” from other objects. The collisions result in high or low pressure areas in the ather, depending on the “information” being carried.
The high and low pressures produced in the aether between objects are what we call gravity, electric force and magnetism, as the case may be.
I find it interesting that you are proposing your interpretation of what causes gravity…. I too am grappling with gravity and have developed a more coherent explanation of how neutrinos are involved.
Like yourself I have no evidence that I am right, but then again the best minds in physics are baffled by gravity and for whatever reason seem obsessed with the graviton or other yet to be discovered particles. I am currently trying to gather evidence of correlations between so called gravity waves and neutrino bursts gathered by completely different detector teams…. To quote Homer Simpson, Doh!! From my standpoint the two phenomena should always correlate as an increase in neutrinos would be observed as a gravity wave to the uninitiated physicist manning a detector tuned to detect gravity pulses…
My theory is quite intriguing and when I first managed to type it out I predicted that the JWST would find “more of the same” when pointed to the deepest field, there would be no early tiny, pubescent galaxies as predicted by the much beloved Big Bang Model…. Imagine my glee when those pictures were published. Since then I have tried to contact some outstanding physicists for their opinion on the JWST pictures and my explanation and theory regarding gravity. I have had no responses…. I have regrouped and am gathering evidence. Anyone interested in reading my thoughts…. cliveslocombe@gmail.com