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Charge Densities in Space

There are electric connections between our Sun and its planets. This is visible in the auroras of Earth and Jupiter, as well as other planets.

Hubble Captures Vivid Auroras in Jupiter's Atmosphere.jpg
By NASA, ESA, and J. Nichols (University of Leicester), Public Domain, Link

Uneven distribution of charge

These currents are directed through the uneven distribution of charge within our solar system. Our Sun is more highly charged than its planets. As such, it forms a central node in a network, distributing charge out to its planets. The planets direct this current to their magnetic poles, which in turn lead to auroras, winds, lightning and geologic activities.

Comets are further evidence of an uneven distribution of charge within our solar system. Their tails come about long before any ice might be melting. They aren’t jets of steam, as commonly claimed. They are jets of water molecules formed through electrochemical reactions.

Comets are constantly adopting to higher charge densities as they move towards the Sun, and this causes oxygen embedded in their rocky surfaces to fuse with hydrogen ions emitted by the Sun. This results in jets of water molecules that form into tails thousands of miles long.

Looking farther into space we see more evidence of electric currents.

M87 jet (1).jpg
Plasma jet emitted by a galaxy
By NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) – M87 jet.jpg, Public Domain, Link

Never ending cycle

Two opposing mechanisms are in play when it comes to currents in space. Moving magnetic fields and the ejection of plasma jets increase differences in charge densities, while the distribution of charge among planets and stars decrease these differences. The universe is constantly creating differences in charge densities that are subsequently reduced through a process of distribution. It’s a never ending cycle.

Our solar system is moving at tremendous speeds through this uneven distribution on its way around the Milky Way galaxy. As such, our solar system is both a current with a moving magnetic field and a system in need of constant realignment with its environment. Its magnetic aura creates charge separation. But it’s also soaking up charge or releasing it depending on the charge density in its environment.

Interconnected eco-system

Whenever our solar system crosses a transition zone in this uneven distribution, there’s a shock to the system. Our Sun flares up in an effort to equalize its charge with its new environment. This affects the planets, with auroras flaring up. There’s increased activity in the atmosphere; stronger storms and more lightning. The earth itself is shaken, with an increase in volcanic activity. Even gravity changes.

We’re not floating around on a planet disconnected from the rest of the universe, as is the model commonly used when explaining things. Rather, our planet and everything in it is connected to our Sun and the universe. We’re part of a huge interconnected eco-system that encompasses the entire universe.

UGC 12158.jpg
A spiral galaxy
By ESA/Hubble & NASA –, Public Domain, Link

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Defintitely charge is everywhere. The important thing is to consider plasma as a conductor, especially in its filamentary form. With concentric magnetic fields it can be both electric motor and generator.

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