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Sodium to Potassium Transmutation in the Human Body

There’s a mystery surrounding salt. We appear to consume more of it than we excrete. Conversely, there’s a mystery related to potassium, which we excrete more of than we consume.

This has led some to conclude that we consume too much salt and too little potassium. However, that explanation assumes that we’re missing some data somewhere. It doesn’t take the data on face value, and the reason for this is that the more direct explanation is considered impossible: Sodium, found in salt, cannot be transmuted into potassium by the human body.

Transmutations are nuclear reactions, considered impossible at low temperatures and pressure. But this may be incorrect. My proposed physics allows for transmutations with the help of high energy photons, which our bodies may produce as part of their regular electrochemical functions.

The transformation would be a nuclear reaction where sodium fuses with oxygen and a high energy photon:

    Na + O + p = K

We get this confirmed by looking at the periodic table. Sodium has atomic number 11, oxygen has atomic number 8, and potassium has atomic number 19.

    11 + 8 + 0 = 19

Looking at the atomic weight of the various components, we see that sodium is 22.990, oxygen is 15.999, and potassium is 39.098. For this to add up we need the photon to make up for the missing mass of 0.109:

    22.990 + 15.999 + 0.109 = 39.098

The process is endothermic. It will in other words create a cooling effect on our bodies. If this is correct, salt is consumed on hot days for this reason. We are not only cooling down with the help of perspiration, we cool down due to the endothermic effect of transmutation. Salt is therefore consumed in greater quantities than it is excreted, while potassium is excreted in greater quantities than it is consumed.

A young man competing in the 2014 Carlsbad Triathlon jogs on a paved path along a beach in Southern California. His expression shows the labor of his effort.

By Chris Hunkeler –, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Dude, if your model of physics go the way of string theory, I will be so peeved!
    Potassium to calcium in bird eggs? Endothermic, catalysed by heat of sleeping hen? (Hens do not sleep in the nest unless actually brooding.)
    Got any hypothesis to calculate the height of a volcanic plume against electric potential? Could we predict the energy levels using localised voltage levels? How shall we measure those potential against which zero state?
    Could we predict an outburst by monitoring electric charge at some point/s?

    1. Low energy transmutation of elements is not a central aspect of my theory. However, if animals are able to make such transmutations, Potassium to Calcium would help explain how hens can produce sufficient Calcium for their eggs. It might be a two step process where the first step is to go from Sodium and Oxygen to Potassium, as described in this post, and then to Calcium from Potassium as described in my chapter on transmutations. Both steps would required heat produced in the body of the hens.

      My aim with my theory has been from the start to create a framework within which mathematical formulas can be put, and on which practical experiments can be based. My theory is not a complete work with every detail worked out, so I love to see people come up with experiments such as those suggested by you.

      The problem with modern physics is that too many possibilities are dismissed without any other arguments than that it’s impossible. This goes for transmutations, hollow planets, expanding planets, and a whole range of other possible explanations for observed facts.

      Making things worse is the way other aspects of physics, such as dark matter, black holes and neutron stars are pushed as truth without any evidence besides some distant radiation. Alternative explanations are simply dismissed. That’s not physics, but dogma.

  2. Upon further investigation, Dr. Panos Pappas is who I learned this from, but he was not the first to suggest it, so I am wrong in this respect. This theory comes to us from the pioneering work of Dr. Kervran who inspired Dr. George Ohsawa and Michio Kushi to experiment in the transmutation of sodium into potassium in vitro. The first transmutation was achieved on June 21, 1964. After applying 60 watts of electricity for 30 minutes to heat sodium to a plasma, a molar equivalent of oxygen was introduced. Viewed with a spectroscope, the orange band of sodium gave way to the blue of potassium. It is a fascinating discovery, and challenges the “leaky channel” theory which unfortunately is now believed to be settled science.

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