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Ignored Facts in Science

Contrary to popular belief, modern science is full of contradictions and unsolved puzzles, and it does not take more than mild curiosity to uncover these problems.

Reading about Snell’s Law, we only need to take a quick look out of the window to determine that it does not apply to light. The textbook may say otherwise, but the evidence is right in front of us.

Nor does it take a genius to figure out that a solar system governed by gravity alone will be incredibly fragile. Some other force must be included to ensure stability.

All that is needed to realize that the Quetzalcoatlus could neither fly nor hunt with today’s gravity and inertia, is a very basic understanding of torque and stress in materials.

Accepted truths about the dinosaurs are in direct conflict with Darwin’s principle of evolution. No animal will evolve into a size and shape in conflict with its function. A sloth does not evolve into the shape of a speed monster. An animal that lives off of the foliage at the lowest branches of trees does not develop a long swan-like neck.

Taking a closer look at our planet, we discover that all the continents will fit nicely together on a globe with half the diameter of Earth today. No seafloor is more than 300 million years old, and the seafloor looks nothing like the continental crust. It is full of rifts and stretch marks. The natural conclusion from this should be that our planet is expanding. This is flatly denied without any good alternative explanation.

Looking out into space, we see a huge scar on the surface of Mars. There is an asteroid belt with supposedly left over building blocks. Gravity has somehow managed to compact a bunch of rocks, but failed to create a planet. No-one seems bothered by the fact that gravity does not work that way.

The list of things for which the official explanation makes no sense is very long. There’s evidence everywhere we look. Yet, this is brushed lightly aside, as if it is all mere details. What really matters to scientists these days is the exact properties of the Higgs Boson, and the precise size of black holes.

Never mind the feeble explanations presented for all the things that are close and obvious. What’s really important is the details of things that we have never directly observed.

This seems to be the mantra of modern science, and it is reminiscent of the tale of the emperor and his new clothes. No-one mentions the possibility that there might not in fact be anything produced in the emperor’s basement. All discussions are centered around the details of the fabrics, their fine colors, their texture, and their sheer brilliance.

The Emperor’s New Clothes

By Vilhelm Pedersen (1820 – 1859) – English Wikipedia ( ), Public Domain,

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