Magnetic fields have polarizing effects on light, and it is through this effect that we know…
The Twist of the Birkeland Current
Everywhere we look in the world around us, we find spiraling patterns. The shell of the Nautilus is often used as a symbol for this. The double helix of the DNA that make up the genetic code of life is also frequently used.
Storms twist as they move. Planets spin on their axis. Galaxies rotate. Wherever there is motion or organic growth, there is a tendency for things to twist.
This goes all the way down to the subatomic where charged particles move in spiraling patterns. From the galactic to the subatomic, things twist, and the reason for this is by many presumed to be the fact that electric currents twist.
As soon as electric currents are involved, whether slow and organic or quick as a lightning, the patterns produced are almost always a spiral or a rotation of some kind.
A fine example of an electrically produced spiraling pattern can be seen in the way craters spiral around our Moon’s north pole. With little else than the ion wind from the Sun to explain this, we can reasonably assume that it is the behavior of ions that has caused this pattern.
Lunar north pole
By NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University – (see also, Public Domain,
Each crater is circular, carved out over time by the spiraling motion of ionized dust. The craters are in turn evenly spaced out in a spiraling pattern.
The overall current that produces this pattern is called a Birkeland current, after the man who first suggested the existence of electric currents in space.
The twisting behavior of Birkeland currents is clearly visible, both in the Auroras on Earth and in the craters on our Moon, and it begs the question why electric currents behave this way.
Using the physics presented in my book, we find a prime suspect in the photon, which is modeled as a structure with two counter-spinning orbs. One orb is positively charged and the other orb is negatively charged.
This means that the aether, modeled as a mix of low energy photons and neutrinos, is awash with tiny spinning structures.
The two orb photon
Each photon can be viewed as a tiny magnet. When photons in the aether line up in a given direction, we get a magnetic field.
There is a close relationship between electric currents, represented by ions in motion, and magnetic fields. Ions in motion produce magnetic fields. Magnetic fields in motion produce currents.
Magnetic fields can also be used to rip electrons away from neutral gases. Sending electrons in one direction and the positive ion produced by the separation in the other direction, electric currents can be produced.
The interactions between electricity and magnetism are so intimate that they are often referred to by the single word electromagnetism. However, they are not one thing, they are two separate but closely related phenomena where any change in one results in a change in the other.
Any change in an electric current will result in a change in the associated magnetic field, and any change in a magnetic field will result in a change in any associated current.
However, if all of this separation and interaction is happening in a perfectly balanced manner, there is still not much reason for things to twist and turn. If the electrons being sent in one direction of a Birkeland current are given the exact same momentum as the positive ions going in the other direction, no spiraling motion should be expected.
There has to be some fundamental imbalance in the universe in order to properly explain the tendency towards spirals and spiraling motion.
In the strict particle model of physics, presented in my book, this imbalance is the difference in texture between positive and negative particle quanta.
There is a tiny tendency for positively charged particles to interact with each other. This explains the large size of the proton, relative to the electron. It also explains the existence of gravity.
Applying the same logic to the photon, we get that its positive orb will interfere somewhat destructively with its negative orb when there is interaction with positive ions. When the photon interacts with electrons, on the other hand, there is no interference.
The hook covered positive orb interacts weakly with positive ions. This reduces the effect of the negative orb’s spin on positive ions. The hoop covered negative orb, on the other hand, does not in any way reduce the effect of the positive orb’s spin when it comes to electrons.
The momentum given to electrons is therefore a tiny bit greater than the momentum given to positive ions.
Electrons end up with a tiny bit more energy than positive ions. To compensate for this, electrons take slightly longer paths than their positive counterparts as they move in opposite directions through space.
Tied together by their mutual attraction for each other, the electrons have to spiral around their positive counterparts in order to go the extra distance. This in turn, produces sub-currents, and we get an overall pattern of spirals from the microscopic to the galactic.
In conclusion, we can say that everything spirals due to a tiny imbalance in the magnetic force.
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